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Planet Jav

"We are not defined by our emotions, feelings, or even thoughts; we are simply the awareness of it all." - Javan McGriff

Cover Art for the Book DWE Dealing With Emotions

DWE (Dealing with Emotions)

When emotions, feelings, and thoughts emerge, they present us with the opportunity to heal and shift our perspective. Have you ever asked your conscious, unconscious, or subconscious to release negative patterns? Our mind is a powerful tool gifted to us by the Creator. The mind can be a great helper or a great obstacle when processing our emotions. In this book, we will learn to deal with emotions, explore our inner worlds, and connect with Christ. Mind over matter-the mind in harmony with our heart can significantly impact our lives for the better. Intentionality, love, and imagination can re-create all that we feel, think, and experience!



Javan McGriff is a motivational speaker, architect, and painter from the United States. He hosts the Planet Jav podcast about God, spirituality, and creative expression. At just twenty-five years old, he has also accumulated a MA in Psychology, Associates of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, and early childhood education degree. Dealing with Emotions is his first offering, inspired by true experiences. 

Dedicated to spreading love and helping others, Javan is a powerful voice of this generation and a natural counselor.

Personal Message

I truly believe that love is the most powerful force we can share with the world, and my unwavering commitment is to spread it as much as possible. My personal growth journey through podcasting and writing has revealed to me that committing to growth can transform every aspect of our lives. As we choose to expand emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, we become more loving, positive, and empathetic. We become better equipped to handle challenges, and we create opportunities for advancement. I am confident that growth is essential to a fulfilling life, and I am here to support you on that journey. Together, let us learn, love, and grow."

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